Call to Action: Extend the Payroll Support Program


If you are a pilot, flight attendant, airline mechanic, gate agent or any employee of an airline or related to or are friends with one of the above, they need your support! Right now CARES Act 2 is being drafted to help protect thousands of airline jobs. It’s quick simple and easy to show your support.

As you are well aware, we are facing the largest challenge of our careers and to the livelihood of our families. While ALPA achieved a major victory in securing CARES Act funding and furlough protections until September 30, 2020, the reality is that our industry still faces very strong headwinds. CARES Act 2 structure and funding is being debated now, and our best guess is it will be completed by early August.  It is as essential now to contact your legislative leaders as it was in March, and the window for doing so is at hand. 

In Washington, DC there is now an expectation that some form of additional COVID stimulus/economic assistance must be addressed in the coming weeks, but at this point the House and Senate priorities are far apart. ALPA is currently fully engaged in this process to advocate on behalf of ALL pilots. 

As part of this effort, ALPA joined with several aviation labor groups in a joint letter to Congressional leadership highlighting the need to include a “clean” extension of the CARES Act Payroll Support Program and furlough protections until March 31, 2021. United Airlines, along with Airlines for America (A4A) support this effort as well. 

So – what can you do to help preserve and protect your career?

Step 1

It’s actually very easy – simply send your Call-to-Action message to your Member of Congress. Your Legislative Affairs team will be strongly advocating on your behalf, but the most influential factor to your Representative is constituent input (especially in an election year). 

Don’t delay – act today:

Step 2 

Forward this article to friends and family, and ask them to complete the Call-to-Action as well.

Aero Crew News, ALPA and all of your aviation friends thank you for your support in this critical time of need.

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The United Master Executive Council (MEC) of the Air Line Pilots Association, International is the governing body that represents over 13,000 United Airlines pilots. The MEC, related committee members, and professional staff work to protect and promote the careers of United pilots, concentrating on safety, pay, working conditions, benefits, and job security. The United MEC is composed of member-elected representatives from New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, Cleveland, Guam, and the Training Center in Denver. Local pilot volunteers form the backbone of our committee structure, and full-time ALPA staff round out our team with legal, administrative, and communications support. As the formal collective bargaining agent for United pilots, the MEC is charged with negotiating pilot contracts and promoting airline safety and security. ALPA’s motto, “Schedule with Safety,” guides the work we do every day. The initiatives of United ALPA volunteers have directly resulted in many of the safety features found in today’s modern aircraft and airports. Our contract, the United Pilot Agreement, sets the industry standard for compensation and work rules that ensure the long-term viability of the airline piloting profession.


  1. My husband worked e trembly hard to become an airline pilot for United. It is a grueling career that takes him away several days a week from his family. It was a choice thought long and hard about and a passion of his from when he was a young child. Covid unfortunately is taking away his livelihood as well as thousands of other employees.

    The airlines need help to be able to keep their employees working. All these men and woman have families that rely on them and not to mention their own gratification of accomplishing a training that took them to become pilots.

    Please include the airlines in the ne t cares act so this industry can begin to rebuild with the dedicated teams they have.

  2. My brother worked very hard to fulfill a dream of being a pilot . He loves his job and hopes to keep it please help him and all the other airlines to stay afloat during this crisis

  3. I never saw my son be so committed and devoted to anything so much in his than the grueling hard work it took to become a pilot. The sacrifices and long hours put into the years it took to reach his dream amazes me to this day. He loves what he does. I can’t picture him doing anything else. United has been very good to him and his wife. Please don’t let this be the end.


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