
Articles are not necessarily the view points or opinions of Aero Crew News.

All data, when available, was obtained from company representatives, the company website or the contract between the employee and the companies. Data from the contracts may be abbreviated and/or inaccurate, please consult the most current contracts for specific contractual language. While trying to provide the most up to date information we realize some data might by inaccurate, if you notice a discrepancy and/or have a correction please email: [email protected]

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Aero Crew News

The Endeavor Air team navigated a year of uncertainty by prioritizing their people, leading with their values, and upholding their commitment to excellence. Now, as the industry begins to recover, Endeavor is hiring, growing, and ready for whatever the...
Salt Lake City, UT – Breeze Airways, the U.S.’ only NLCC, or ‘Nice Low Cost Carrier,’ today announced that it will be introducing five new routes, two seasonal resumptions and two route frequency increases. Fares on the routes start from...
Testifying before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation today, the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) urged Congress to remain vigilant in protecting the world-leading aviation safety record of the United States and recommended additional technologies that would reinforce...
MEMPHIS—In a speech at the Air Line Pilots Association Int’l (ALPA) Cargo Symposium this week, ALPA president Capt. Jason Ambrosi discussed current industry-led efforts to eliminate pilots from the flight deck and called it the “single greatest existential threat”...
Avelo Airlines today announced it is bolstering pilot compensation to attract and retain world class aviators — elevating first-year pay by nearly 50% for Captains and by nearly 30% for First Officers. The enhanced pay scale offers the highest...

Unpaid Time Off

In the last issue of Contract Talks, we covered the different types of time off a pilot might accrue and get paid for, but it should be understood that there are types of time off for pilots that may...
Compass Airlines is pleased to announce that the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for its pilot group has been amended to increase first year, First Officer pay to $35.81 per flight hour.  This agreement makes first year pay at Compass...
This bonus recognizes the talent Direct Entry Captains will bring to Piedmont In a year of unprecedented announcements, Piedmont Airlines is making another bold move: $100,000 up front to pilots who can sit in the left seat of the flight...

Service, Sacrifice, and the Importance of Support

Many people recognize Gary Sinise as the actor who played Lieutenant Dan in the blockbuster film Forrest Gump. In the movie, we watch Lt....

FedEx Pilots Mark 1,000 Days Without a New Contract

MEMPHIS—On Sunday, July 28, 2024, FedEx pilots, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), will reach a milestone in their contract negotiations...