ALPA Urges Congress to Invest More in Aviation Safety Systems to Address Near Misses 


Testifying before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation today, the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) urged Congress to remain vigilant in protecting the world-leading aviation safety record of the United States and recommended additional technologies that would reinforce aviation safety at all U.S. airports, regardless of size or location. 

“More work can and must be done to prevent near misses and other incidents. ALPA strongly supports doing more to advance NextGen to enhance pilots’ and air traffic controllers’ ability to pinpoint the position of aircraft while in flight and on the ground. Moving NextGen forward will not only help prevent near misses and enhance safety, but it will also improve traffic management and aircraft utilization, reduce flight delays, cut aviation emissions, and contribute to airline profitability,” said ALPA president Capt. Jason Ambrosi in today’s hearing.

Despite an increase in the number of close calls reported earlier this year, the U.S. aviation system continues to operate at a very high level of safety. However, more focus is needed to mitigate such events moving forward. ALPA is calling to expand the capabilities of more airports in areas including flight profile optimization, Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System remote surveillance displays, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out equipage, and NextGen equipage. 

“The presence of two highly trained and well-rested pilots working on every airliner flight deck is another critical factor in safety. We saw this during a near-miss incident at Austin in February that could have resulted in tragedy if not for the actions of the two FedEx pilots working on board the flight deck,” continued Ambrosi. “The success that we’ve achieved in aviation safety didn’t happen by chance. Our progress has also resulted from critical changes to the regulations governing pilot qualification and training, fatigue, airline operations and maintenance, and technology.”

Read Ambrosi’s full testimony.


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