Last month, we discussed how workers’ unions have been in the news lately for various reasons, both good and bad. We also ran a poll asking whether our readers felt that their union was serving their needs and the results were quite shocking. Our results are…
Yes (Union serves their needs) 53%
No (Does not serve their needs) 47%
So, what can be done to change these results for the better? The first and most important thing that you, as a union member, can do is let your opinions be heard. Union leaders might not know there is a problem with how things are going unless the members let them know. However, if this doesn't produce the results that you want, find a way to get involved in your union. You don't have to run for an elected position and campaign to get involved in your union. There are countless committees to which you can apply that will get your foot in the door, and just might get you a seat at the table so you can help enact change.
Because nearly half our respondents feel that their union doesn't serve them, doesn't necessarily mean it's true. Unions offer a vast network of resources and an array of benefits for pilots such as: having someone available nearly 24/7 to answer questions, having a medical advisor team, securing better hotels, building better work trips, offering disability plans, etc. They offer all these things solely as benefits to their pilot group. Many pilots only hear of the work that is done on contracts and the enforcement of issues that arise within the company. We encourage you to take a look into what your union does for you behind the scenes.