As times have changed, so has our standard of dress. However, business casual is NOT an acceptable style of dress when meeting recruiters at jobs fairs, and definitively not at your next airline interview. Airlines have entire documents that outline their specific uniform standards. They hold their pilots to these standards and even discipline them when they aren't dressed in accordance with the standards. Why would a candidate think they can dress to a lower standard than that demanded by the job for which they are applying? This is an avoidable mistake that can cause you to have to dig yourself out of a hole you’ve made from the start when you meet with an airline.
In addition to dress standards, airlines also have grooming standards for hair style and facial hair. While your current job may not care about your beard or long hair (for men), airlines do. Please do not show up with long and/or unkempt hair or with a beard when you meet with a recruiter. For men, either be clean shaven or have a well-groomed mustache that doesn't extend beyond the top lip line, and ensure your hair is neatly combed. For women, long hair is acceptable provided it is an appropriately professional style.
Dressing professionally is a simple yet highly effective solution for making the best impression. As the adage goes; dress for the job you want, not the job you have.
Airline hiring is constantly changing, and these are the latest updates as of December 15, 2024.