Max Wettstein
Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil
*Opinion-only/Not medical or legal advice, check with local laws regarding legality.*
*Aero Crew News, LLC does not endorse or promote the use of these products.*
Is Your Uniform Making You Sick?
Have you ever wondered why military pilots, test pilots, stunt pilots and even astronauts wear flight suits to work? Have you noticed that flight...
10 Layover Workout Tips
Be an enlightened fit pilot, aware that you can workout anytime, anywhere, with anything, including your own bodyweight. What exactly do I mean by...
Cabin Fumes and Aerotoxic Syndrome
This is a very relevant and sensitive topic but one that takes me out of my scope of pilot fitness and into aero-medicine, admittedly...
OSA & BMI: Obstructive Sleep Apnea & Body Mass Index
I am not an AME or any kind of doctor. I am a fitness professional and advocate, as well as a commercial airline pilot. In...
Fitness Accountability!
The missing ingredient almost always causing workout consistency failure, is lack of accountability online pharmacy buy mobic no prescription online pharmacy buy levaquin...
Ten Ways to Hack Your Fitness
We used to call them fitness tips but now the latest trend is to call them fitness hacks, and I desire to be a...
Long Term Sitting is Lethal*
As I sit in the left seat looking over at the First Officer, I’m quickly reminded to stop slouching and to be hyper-vigilant of...
Travel Fitness: Raising Awareness
When most of us dreamed of becoming pilots as kids, the furthest thing from our mind was that flying might not be a physically...