Letter from the Publisher


Dear Readers,

It’s amazing how much has changed in our lives in such a short period of time, and all because of an enemy that we can’t even see with the naked eye. The novel corona virus, with its malicious disease COVID-19, has become this pandemic altering every facet of our culture, economy, family life and our industry.

Just a month ago, airline recruiters struggled to get pilots into new-hire classes. Since then, two regional airlines have shut down and three others are furloughing pilots in hopes of remaining solvent. All of the major airlines have reduced their schedules, some by as much as 60%. Air travel is at an all-time low. 

A surreal site, EWR terminal C empty. Photo by Michelle Yates.

At Aero Crew News, we feel your pain and understand the struggles that you are going through. We recognize the uncertainty of what is to come next. I’m reminded of how the events of and aftermath of September 11 felt like. Like then, we are frustrated not knowing how long the recovery will take. I believe this has to be the hardest part. 

This horribly difficult situation compels us to do what we can for you, so Aero Crew Solutions is offering free résumé reviews for all pilots affected by U.S. airlines closures or furloughs. To date, these include Compass Airlines, Trans States Airlines, CommutAir, Mesa Airlines & Miami Air. Email your résumés to [email protected]. We hope this list does not grow any longer, but if it does, and you’re affected too, please email us.

Like everyone across the United States and throughout the world, we are all being forced to make cuts and modify how our business is conducted. In that vein, Aero Crew News is combining our April and May issues into one. This will help our sponsors and us protect our bottom lines. We all have to prepare for the future by doing what we can now.

We will continue to post press releases as they come to us and will share any news with you as we receive it. I hope that my May newsletter brings better news. 

Practice social distancing, stay home if you are directed to do so, and fly safe, but only if you are healthy. Your comments are always welcome at [email protected].

Bluer skies ahead, 

Craig D. Pieper


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