Letter from the Publisher


Dear readers,

We are very pleased to welcome two new additions to our eMagazine. First, we welcome a column that is titled, Aero Medical which will bring us news and developments in aviation related to medical issues, namely with pilots’ medical rights and the Pilot Mental Health Campaign.  We hope you’ll get valuable information to digest and to share with your colleagues. We also welcome a little aviation humor in the cartoon, Coffee & Pretzels by Greg Kaley. Every month, our cartoonist/pilot will provide a panel that will hit home – or should I say, “Hit us where we work.” Enjoy the additions and please share your impressions ([email protected]).

Summertime and thunderstorms are here as this year is just flying ✈️ by. But before you know it, we will be back to cold nights and de-icing aircraft. Enjoy the season while it lasts.

Fly Safe,
Craig Pieper


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