Letter from the Publisher


Credit: Craig Pieper

Dear readers,

A couple of weeks ago, I helped my older son move from the University of Pittsburgh to Northern Arizona University (Pitt to NAU). What takes five hours in a jet, took us four days in his car. We could have made it faster, but we took our time and enjoyed the ride. Among other things, we stopped in Kansas to see my college roommate and enjoy some homemade BBQ. In Denver, we caught a baseball game at Coors field. In Albuquerque, we witnessed a dust storm in which visibility dropped to about four feet that resulted in a ten-car pile-up, luckily, going in the opposite direction. We also enjoyed the beautiful landscape that these United States has to offer. The view is a lot different at about 4’ AGL.

While my son is starting his next venture in life, here at Aero Crew News, we welcome back meteorologist, pilot and new father, Ajay Raghavendra, Ph.D. who has been serving his country, moving into the flight deck with a regional airline, plus welcoming their first child, a son, Marcus. That’s a lot of changes for one great guy and we are delighted that he is making time to continue with us as a valued contributor. His entry this month is a timely piece on turbulence.

Fly Safe,
Craig Pieper


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