Aero Crew News, September 2021


This month marks the twentieth anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. This date is indelibly etched into the memories of those old enough to remember and is a piece of history taught to today’s young students. This issue is dedicated to all who perished as a result of those horrible acts on that day in U.S. history. As a further tribute, we have also chosen to publish their names so that we may never forget. The FEATURE provides a brief glimpse into the life of Captain Jason Dahl who piloted United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed into a field in Pennsylvania that day. But the story is more about the inspiring legacy of Capt. Dahl. Enjoy the read and the reflection it will likely elicit. You may never look at a daffodil again the same way. The ups and downs of our industry are legendary and we find ourselves in yet another, albeit unexpected. boon. In PERSPECTIVES by Paul Wickstrom, we are offered some sage advice about making moves from carrier to carrier. For all of us, there is ongoing training, and Sergio Sovero’s KNOWLEDGE BASE breaks down the components of Part 121 training. CAREERS takes us into the processes of implementing the components of the electronic flight bag. Technology! (We can’t live without it yet it’s too often hard to live with!) Our guest contributor for SQUALL LINE, our weather column, is our own publisher, Craig Pieper who teaches us about the rare and odd cloud formations called mammatus. On the capital side of life, we find MONEY and MORTGAGE. The former is about using your Health Savings Account (HSA) as a retirement account. Who knew? The latter addresses what you need to know and do to prepare to procure a mortgage to streamline and reduce the stress associated with the process. We round out this jam-packed issue with Reini Thijssen’s BAGGAGE column that proffers some highly valuable insight into body language —what you see and what you do. This information is particularly useful for those facing job interviews. Don’t miss it, regardless. If you interface with another human, this is for you! Finally, FITNESS will get you to consider the role of nutrition in your fitness mindset. We are sorting through the photos submitted for our annual photo contest and next month, we’ll open voting to select the winners. Stay tuned!




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