Dear Readers,
As we work diligently to try and update all the data in The Grid, we still need your help to keep this data current. If you happen to see anything that may be wrong, please send us an email and we will be glad to address it. This month we had a lot of updates and there are more to come next month.
Additionally, we added a new section at the beginning of our Aviator Bulletins section just for Pilot Hiring Numbers. If you don’t see your company there, be sure to send me an email with that information.
Fly Safe,
Craig Pieper
We gladly accept and encourage letters to the editor. These letters will be reviewed and published at the sole discretion of the Editor. Please limit your letters to the Editor to a maximum of 200 words. You can email you letters to [email protected]
. Please include a city and state. All questions emailed may or may not be published. Aero Crew News assumes no liability for the information contained in letters to us that are published.