My love for aviation is a driving force
When I started my multiengine training, I was suddenly reminded of my intense passion for aviation. After over 450 hours flying single-engine Cessnas, suddenly hopping in a light twin and experiencing the kick of two engines, the steeper climbout, and the quicker control response exhilarated me.
As I have progressed throughout my training, despite each stressful flight and setback, I have not lost my love for aviation nor my commitment to the trade. In many ways, I’m still the same young kid who used to stare out the airport window at the planes at the ramp, who loved airlines’ paint schemes, and who wanted not to be a pilot but a plane when he was older. I’m just as excited about flying now as I was when I truly began engaging with it years and years ago. And, like pilots much older and more experienced than I, I still cannot help but stop and stare when I hear an airplane’s engine speeding through the skies above me.
This passion has gotten me through each tough flight, setback, and challenge I’ve faced. This passion has picked me up after long sim sessions and pushed me through one more King Schools ground-school video. It’s helped me through long debriefs with chief pilots, after stage checks, and after my toughest checkrides.
My love for flying doesn’t just get me through; it also challenges me to be better. I aim to be that much more knowledgeable, that much safer, and that much more skilled because of how much I love flying. I keep pushing myself to be the best pilot I can be, and then to improve beyond there. My passion leads me to be a safer pilot, too. It guides me to be more thorough and more thoughtful in all I do.
Above all else, my passion for aviation has led me to wonderful communities. Whether it’s with fellow pilots, ramp agents at past jobs, or just fellow aviation enthusiasts, my life in aviation has been made significantly better because of the people I’ve encountered along the way. Bonding over a strong mutual love for aviation has made these relationships especially meaningful.
My passion for flying has guided me through my aviation career thus far, and it has helped me pursue flying in incredibly beneficial ways. I wouldn’t be as skilled nor experienced as I am today if I didn’t love flying as much as I do. I wouldn’t have motivated myself as much as I have if I didn’t thoroughly enjoy each moment. No matter how stressful training got, I kept moving forward out of love for flying.
Thus, my love of flying has been invaluable in my training. It has helped me become the pilot I am today, and it will continue to guide me as my career progresses. Though I will continue to face challenges and setbacks, I am incredibly excited for all that my future career has to offer.