United Airlines Teamsters Rally at San Francisco International Airport

Aviation Technicians Demand Fair Contract and Timely Negotiations


Photo provided by Teamsters

(SAN FRANCISCO) – Hundreds of United Airlines aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs) represented by the Teamsters Union rallied outside San Francisco International Airport (SFO) today as part of their fight for a contract that reflects their contributions to the company’s record-breaking profits.

“United Airlines raked in over $4 billion in profits last year, but instead of investing that money in the Teamsters who do the work, they want to send our members’ jobs to communist China,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “This is a reckless race to the bottom and Teamsters will not stand for it.”

The Teamsters Union represents over 10,000 United Airlines AMTs across the country. They are demanding a contract with top-tier pay, a faster wage progression, and job security.

“United claims safety is its number one priority, but their actions in negotiations suggest otherwise,” said Chris Griswold, Director of the Teamsters Airline Division. “United Teamsters are fighting not just for their livelihoods but also to protect the millions of passengers who rely on this airline.”

In response to workers’ demands for a strong contract, United recently offered an outrageous proposal that would put passengers in harm’s way by outsourcing critical maintenance work.

“Every day, we take on the huge responsibility of ensuring the safety of United’s customers and keeping planes in the air,” said Fred Wood, a United technician at SFO and member of the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee. “United would not be the airline it is today without our highly skilled labor. Industry-leading profits demand industry-leading contracts, and we won’t rest until we win the agreement we have earned.”

Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents over 1.3 million hardworking people in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. Visit Teamster.org for more information. Follow us on X @Teamsters and on Facebook at Facebook.com/teamsters.

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The Teamsters are America’s largest, most diverse union. In 1903, the Teamsters started as a merger of the two leading team driver associations. These drivers were the backbone of America’s robust economic growth, but they needed to organize to wrest their fair share from greedy corporations. Today, the union’s task is exactly the same. The Teamsters are known as the champion of freight drivers and warehouse workers, but have organized workers in virtually every occupation imaginable, both professional and non-professional, private sector and public sector. Our 1.3 million members are public defenders in Minnesota; vegetable workers in California; sanitation workers in New York; brewers in St. Louis; newspaper workers in Seattle; construction workers in Las Vegas; zoo keepers in Pennsylvania; health care workers in Rhode Island; bakery workers in Maine; airline pilots, secretaries and police officers. Name the occupation and chances are we represent those workers somewhere. There are nearly 1,900 Teamster affiliates throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.

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