Eric Ray

Eric Ray is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. Eric is also a pilot, whose latest type rating is the Boeing 737. To contact Eric, please email him: [email protected].

Eating Well Doesn’t Mean Eating Less

Well, it’s September and Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer. Schools are back in swing, the travel season has wound down and...

Challenges Versus Challenging

Well, it’s August and although the end of summer is right around the corner, there is still time to get out and get busy....

Consume Less Weigh Less

The simple equation of dropping some weight in a reasonable timeframe  It’s July and Independence Day is here. This time of year usually means barbecues...

Start with an Assessment

Fitness assessment tests are the first step toward your goal Welcome to Summer! Well, technically it’s not summer just yet, but Memorial Day kicks off...

Work More, Drink More, Walk More

 Regulate your body’s systems even when your workload soars  Well, if you haven’t felt the temperatures warming up before now, surprise, it’s almost summer. The...

April Powers  

It’s April, we just lost an hour of sleep and we are rapidly progressing towards summer and that isn’t an April Fools’ Day prank!...

Spring Cleaning

It’s March and not only is Spring right around the corner, but its also my birthday month. While I won’t bore you with details...

New Year, Fresh Start

Welcome to a happy New Year 2023, Auld Lang Syne, and all that rot! I sincerely hope last year brought you and yours good tidings and...

Holiday Check-In

Confronting the temptations of the season As fall gives way to the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s often easy to give up...

Fitness Equipment Choices

A look at the pros and cons of some fitness equipment systems As summer has given way to deep fall and soon we will be...

Service, Sacrifice, and the Importance of Support

Many people recognize Gary Sinise as the actor who played Lieutenant Dan in the blockbuster film Forrest Gump. In the movie, we watch Lt....

Delta, Riyadh Air sign strategic agreement to expand connectivity and premium...

Delta Air Lines, the world’s leading premium airline, and Riyadh Air, Saudi Arabia's innovative new full-service global carrier, have signed a Strategic Cooperation Memorandum...