Scott Stahl

Scott graduated in 2006 from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Prescott Campus with a Bachelor's in Aeronautical Science. While working for nearly 7 years as a full time flight instructor, check airman, extreme upset recovery instructor and part time faculty member at Embry-Riddle's Prescott Campus, he obtained his Master's in Safety Sciences in 2015. He currently works for a major US Airline and has accumulated over 4,500 hours in various airplanes. Scott is an FAA Gold Seal CFI and was a designated Master CFI from 2013-2015.

ADS-B – Collision Avoidance and Traffic Separation for Tomorrow

Initially, this month’s article was planned to address T.E.M. or Threat and Error Management, but due to a special request, the topic is Automatic...


In previous articles, we have talked about the various programs that exist on the safety side to help prevent accidents from occurring. Of course,...

The 1500 Hour Rule

3As most aspiring professional pilots are probably aware, in 2010 Congress passed the “Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Act of 2010” which would...

United Flight 173

Captain: “You gotta keep ‘em running.” Engineer: “Yes sir.” This fateful exchange shows insight into a world that once was, but thankfully no longer exists. It...

Non-Routine Operations Reporting

Continuing with the theme of reactive policy changes in aviation, and leading up to how they will relate to the future of SMS operations,...


In the last article, we discussed the advent and development of the ASAP system for pilots to report operational issues encountered during routine and...


In the last issue we discussed the NASA ASRS reporting system in detail and discussed how it allowed, for the first time, data collection...


As we have discussed in previous articles, several decades ago safety trends began to highlight the Human Factors aspect of aviation safety as aircraft...

Evolution of CRM

When we think of aviation safety, we usually think of nothing at all.  We think of the millions of flights, the billions of passengers...

The Evolution of Aviation Safety

Safety Matters When thinking about flying in today’s world, most people just willingly book a ticket and hop on an airplane with the expectation that...

The Latino Pilots Association – A Legacy of Empowerment and Representation

In 2015, the Latino Pilots Association (LPA) was founded by five visionary friends at Jacksonville University who noticed the significant underrepresentation of Latinos in...

Southwest Airlines Announces Final Labor Contract Ratified

DALLAS – Southwest Airlines Co. and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Local 19 today announced the airline's Flight Simulator Technicians have voted in favor of their...