CommutAir and ATP Announce Partnership


Image provided by CommutAir

CommutAir announced a partnership with ATP Flight School to provide ATP graduate flight instructors a financially subsidized path to a pilot job at fast-growing CommutAir and the opportunity to enroll in the United Career Path Program (CPP) at the time of entry into CommutAir. The Tuition Reimbursement Program allows instructors to have up to $11,000 of their flight training costs paid for by CommutAir, in exchange for agreeing to fly for CommutAir after earning the requisite number of flight hours.

The CPP provides qualified pilots with a direct path to a United Airlines’ flight deck upon completing the necessary interview/testing, flight hours, and other normal requirements. More information on the United CPP is available here. The combination of the CommutAir-ATP partnership and the United CPP provides ATP students with a defined path to a long term commercial pilot career.

Joel T. Raymond, Chief Operating Officer at CommutAir, commented that, “We have always valued ATP’s high quality students and instructors. With our new partnership, we look forward to welcoming even more of them by easing their financial burden, helping them gain commercial experience, and offering them the opportunity to springboard to a United career.”


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