Letter from the Publisher


Dear Readers,

This month, I did some research to look into what the aviation forecast looks like. It turned into a daunting task that provided no clear answers. We are still in the midst of a global pandemic that seems to have no end in sight with new cases of COVID-19 spiking in areas that were once low.  

The good news is that it is summer so we can get out and enjoy the outdoors! The other day, my girlfriend and I tried to buy a kayak for her, but all the local stores were sold out. We finally decided to order one online so that it can be delivered to our home. So, once you have read this month’s Aero Crew News articles, be sure to get outside and enjoy life. And above all, be smart to stay healthy.

Fly safe (if you’re called to do so)!

Best regards,

Craig Pieper


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