Dear Readers,
Last month my photo editor, Melody Hood, and the author of Cockpit 2 Cockpit, Marc Himelhoch, and I were able to attend the 41st Annual Convention for the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals in Orlando, FL. The sold out convention had over 1,800 aviation professionals and 55 exhibitors attended the convention.
As usual there was plenty of swag for the attendees to choose from. Such things as bags, notepads, sunglasses in every imaginable color, more pens than you can imagine and my personal favorite was the fidget spinner from TMC Jets. I never understood the rave with fidget spinners, but once I picked it up I couldn’t stop playing with it. I may have driven Melody a little bit crazy with it.
OBAP is one of my favorite aviation conventions. I enjoy the people, talking with the various airlines and pilots, and I always learn something new. I highly recommend attending if you ever get the chance to.
Be sure to read Mark’s excellent write up of the convention and hopefully we’ll see you there next year!
Be Safe,
Craig D. Pieper
Publsiher, Aero Crew News
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