Letter to the Editor, April 2015



I would rather have the news, Aero Crew News, in a PDF file than issuu.  It is very cumbersome and hard to use and doesn't work well at all on my Samsung galaxy 4s phone.

Just my 2 cents.

John V.


We are looking into that. The good thing about issuu is it gives us a ton of reader data that we can give our advertisers, which finance this free publication.

We our looking into other avenues so all platforms are compatible.

Thank you,
Craig D. Pieper
Editor in Chief

We gladly accept and encourage letters to the editor.  These letters will be reviewed and published at the sole discretion of the Editor.  Please limit your letters to the Editor to a maximum of 200 words.  You have can email you letters to [email protected].  Please include a city and state.  All questions emailed may or may not be published.  Aero Crew News assumes no liability for the information contained in letters to us that are published.

SOURCEAero Crew News, April 2015
Previous articleApril 2015
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Craig Pieper is the Publisher and Founder of Aero Crew News. Craig is responsible for the content, website design and organization of the material and people producing the material for the magazine. Craig obtained his Bachelors of Science in Aeronautical Science, along with a minor in Aviation Weather, from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2001. Craig is also a First Officer for a major airline with a type rating in the Boeing 737 & Embraer 145 and has logged over 8,000 hours of flying time since his introductory flight on November 14th, 1992. Please feel free to reach out to Craig and maybe your email will make it in the next issue under the "Letter To The Publisher" section of Aero Crew News.


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