Letter From the Publisher


Thank you to all the men and women in the United States Armed Forces and to their families.  Everyone  on the Aero Crew News staff  is forever grateful for your bravery, your commitment and your sacrifices. Personally, I hold a special place in my heart for the men and women of the United States Armed Forces because my father is a retired Lt. Col. of the U.S. Air Force. My one regret is not having been able to join the Air Force after college. Unfortunately, I had some challenges that prevented me from going that route, but, I identify with and honor those who have. 

Our feature in this issue is the inspiring and poignant story of a Tuskegee Airman whose legacy still reaches many every day. Absorb the story of Lt. Col. John Mosley and draw inspiration from his commitment to his country and to propelling the promise of equality for all Americans.

Don’t let Memorial Day be the only day that we thank our veterans. Show your appreciation and acknowledge our debt to them every day.  I am committed to ensuring that I thank those whom I see in uniform for their service. It strengthens our bond as Americans and connects us to  those who have made the sacrifice. 

Fly Safe,

Craig D. Pieper


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