Dear readers,
It’s time to VOTE!
Not in the presidential election (that too), but voting opens today in Aero Crew News’ second-annual partnered photo contest! As a reminder, this year we have increased the stakes with RAA Financial Advisors presenting the theme, MONEY & AVIATION. Winning photos will be included in the January 2021 issue of Aero Crew News
In addition to the Grand Prize-winning picture on the cover of the eMagazine and website, our big winner will receive $250 cash and an RAA embroidered Polar Bear Cooler. We will also be including the story behind the winning photograph and a little about the photographer, too.
Following the Grand Prize, the First-Place winner will receive $125 cash and an RAA embroidered Nike hat. The winning photo and story will be included in the January issue of Aero Crew News. The second-place prize is $75 cash and the third-place winner’s prize will be $50 cash. Both places will also receive an RAA embroidered Nike hat with their photos and stories included in the January issue. There will also be ten honorable-mention prizes receiving an RAA mug.
Voting has opened! Click here to vote for your favorite photo today! (Click here for the official contest rules.)
I wish good luck to all the entrants and thanks to all our judges – the voters!
Fly safe,
Craig Pieper