Letter from the Publisher


Dear readers,

In keeping with the tradition of an issue featuring readers’ photography, we are pleased to announce our 2021 photo contest! This year’s theme is Aviation Weather, so get out your cameras and capture that summer weather (with at least some part of an aircraft of any kind within the photo). While bragging rights alone are great, RAA Financial Advisors will be sponsoring prizes for our winners to sweeten the pot! 

Grand Prize: US$250 and your winning photo on cover of the December 2021 issue of Aero Crew News along with your explanation about what inspired the photo, the circumstances or even your efforts to obtain the photo. You’ll tell us what you want us to know about your amazing shot!

First place prize: US$125 and your photo, your name and a brief description in the December 2021 feature article.

Second place prize: US$75 and your photo, your name and a brief description in the December 2021 feature article.

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Third place prize: US$50 and your photo, your name and a brief description in the December 2021 feature article.

Prizes for places 5 through 15: Rain Alertz umbrella, with access to their app and your photo, your name and a brief description in the October 2021 feature article.

Entries will be accepted at https://rebrand.ly/ACN_RAA_Photo_Contest between July 1, 2021 and EDT August 31, 2021. A public vote will be held between October 1, 2021 and October 31, 2021 that will determine the winners. Winners will be contacted by email. Voting will be available at https://rebrand.ly/ACN_RAA_Photo_Contest. Official rules can be found at https://rebrand.ly/ACN-RAA-Rules.

Fly safe,

Craig Pieper


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