Letter from the Publisher


Dear readers,

This month, we have a special feature about a unique pilot who dedicated a good part of his life to trailblazing work for his country. Robert Anderson served in the Army Air Corps and was an implemental pilot, a pathfinder in Europe during World War II. One most interesting logbook entry was made on a day about a battle that is commemorated still. I encourage you to read the article to see what I am talking about.

I wish I had had the chance to meet Bob Anderson and hear his story from him. Whenever I hear a story about a pilot who made a difference that has intrigued me, I want to provide the platform to share it with our readers. If you know of an extraordinary pilot whom you feel should have their story told, please contact me at [email protected].

Fly Safe,

Craig Pieper

B-17 Flying Fortresses of U.S. 8th Air Force bombing Dresden in April 17, 1945. A disabled plane leaves a smoke trail as it descends in the background. April 17, 1945.

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