WestJet ALPA Pilots Announce Strike Authorization Vote During Informational Picket at Airline Headquarters


Hundreds of WestJet pilots gathered in unity at WestJet Airlines headquarters for an informational picket and announced the opening of a strike authorization vote on Monday, April 3, with results being announced on April 18. Over the past six months, pilots have grown increasingly impatient with WestJet management, who has failed to seriously engage in contract negotiations.

“Without an industry-standard contract, many WestJet pilots are choosing to leave for better opportunities, leaving a dwindling number of pilots choosing to work here,” said Capt. Bernard Lewall, chair of WestJet’s ALPA pilot group. “Those of us here today are fighting for the change that will make our airline a career destination for pilots once again.”

Currently, negotiations are being conducted through the federal conciliation process, which will end April 24. Without a negotiation extension, a statutory 21-day cooling-off period will begin. If an agreement is not reached prior to the Victoria Day long weekend, both parties would be released to self-help, such as a strike or lockout, that could extend into the summer months. A strike vote among the pilot group is a mandatory step in the process of being released. 

“Flight disruptions are never an ideal outcome for any pilot or our passengers. Our goal is to reach an agreement that provides job security and career progression for our pilots and stability to the airline,” continued Lewall. “We will remain available 24/7 and expect to continue negotiating during the remainder of the voting process, conciliation, and the 21-day cooling-off period.”

The labour challenges faced by WestJet pilots, including recruitment and retention issues, are largely due to the airline’s attempts to reduce costs by driving down pilot wages and refusing to address concerns over scheduling and poor working conditions.

“Unfortunately, we do not believe in management’s ability to bargain in good faith,” said Lewall. “After half a year of negotiating, management still fails to have a realistic understanding of today’s labour market, consistent with collective agreements other ALPA-represented pilot groups are signing with their employers.”

ALPA will keep the public informed of any developments toward reaching a contract up until any possible strike deadline. For updated information, visit https://westjetpilots.com/


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