Letter from the Publisher


Dear readers,

It’s hard to believe that December is already upon us and as we look back, we see that 2024 has been another stellar year for Aero Crew News as we continue to grow and evolve. We just launched our branded clothing line with some truly great aviation sayings applied to creative artwork. Please check them out at http://AeroCrewShop.com. Christmas, Chanukah and everyone’s birthday is coming soon!

Recently, we shared a post on our social media regarding aircrews being denied loyalty benefits at Marriott properties. It sparked some serious debate among our readership. Airline crew spend about half of each month, or more, on the road and they consider hotels their homes-away-from-home. Lately, many crew members have been denied status from hotels where they have earned loyalty benefits. This controversy is not about earning points for our stays on the company’s dollar, but about being denied the benefits (earned in one’s own right) when staying at a Marriott on the company dollar. I’ve experienced this myself.  One concerned pilot has started a petition aimed at Marriott urging change. Click below to read more and sign the petition. Marriott has been contacted for comment. We’ll be sure to share their reply. If you’d like to sign the petition, follow this link: https://aerocrewnews.com/Marriott-Bonvoy.

Aero Crew News wishes everyone a joyous and safe holiday season. We’ll be back better than ever in 2025.

Fly safe,
Craig Pieper

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