Christopher Broyhill
Some Thoughts on Compensation for Maintenance Professionals
I recently attended a conference with maintenance directors from some of the largest flight departments in the nation. While we discussed several topics related...
The Top Ten Reasons HR Compensation Professionals and Executives Won’t Pay—And...
I’ve been asked multiple times to put some of my rambling comments from my feed on LinkedIn into a more formal article. Of late,...
Negotiating for Higher Compensation
January is a busy month for most aviation managers and compensation professionals. The typical rewards cycle for large companies begins with closeout of the...
So, I’ve Got the Comp Data, Now What?
As of this writing, the AirComp Calculator has provided compensation data to thousands of clients, including aviation managers, compensation personnel, and individual business-aviation professionals....
On the Current Compensation Environment and the Nebulous Line Between Captain...
My brain has been into a lot of different topics over the last month and that leads me to contemplate a few separate, but...
The Importance of Staying Current on Comp Levels and Dealing with...
Most business-aviation managers are keen to stay current with the dynamics of the compensation market because they are eager to stay ahead of the...
The 2024 Compensation Survey Data and What It Means to You
As I mentioned in my August article, the 2024 data from the NBAA, Gallagher, and IBM surveys have been published and are now available...
Business Aviation vs. The Airlines (Part II) And Survey Data Changeover
In last month’s article, we discussed two of the primary considerations for pilots thinking about transitioning from business aviation to the airlines – money...
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Should I stay or should I go now?Should I stay or should I go now?If I go, there will be trouble,If I stay, it...
On the Jobs Economy, LTI, and Technician Compensation
The Jobs Economy
In spite of what you may have heard about the various jobs reports, compensation levels in private industry continue to rise. After...