R. Michael Baiada

R. Michael Baiada is President of ATH Group, Inc. ATH's vision is to dramatically reduce delays and congestion using well proven Lean Six Sigma, Supply Chain and logistics processes, driven by Big Data, predictive analytics, computational power, optimization software, prescriptive actions, installed avionics and available flexibility, all in real time, to the airline curb to curb production line. The result is Operational Excellence (85% A0, <3% daily A0 Standard Deviation and 8 to 10 minutes scheduled block/gate reduction). Baiada’s many articles below discusses how airlines can/must quickly mitigate their delay/congestion problem. ATH's unique Business Based Flow Management (BBFM/AttilaTM) solution was independently proven by FAA, Embry-Riddle University, Georgia Tech, GE Aviation and others to improve airline product quality, reduce delays/congestion, improve the ATC system and save significant fuel (Airline BBFM White Paper 2018-02-06). Since the 1970s, Captain Baiada has worked extensively on airline operational and ATC/airspace issues. He coauthored the 1994 Free Flight analysis, testifying to Congress on ATC issues (8/94). Captain Baiada briefed FAA/airline executives and Congress on ATC/airline issues. Baiada is a retired B747-400 Captain, United Airlines, Manager of Products at Allied/Bendix Avionics Division, Assistant VP - Operations/Maintenance at Ransome Airlines and a USAF pilot. Baiada has 40 years and over 25,000 hours of flying experience and holds BS degrees, Aeronautical/Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration, Rutgers University. Additional articles outlining why the Operational Excellence solution (85% A0, <3% day to day A0 Standard Deviation, 8 to 10 minute scheduled block/gate time reduction per flight), driven by Business Based Flow Management (BBFM), is the path forward to make airlines dramatically better and more profitable. Like Toyota did in the 1980s for the auto industry, all it takes is one airline and/or ANSP to lead the way. - Aviation Needs a New Direction - Driven by Vision and Leadership (Managing the Skies, Nov/Dec 2019) - Air Traffic Control Is Not The Real Cause Of Airline Delays (Forbes.com, 2017-03-23) - Congestion - Who's to Blame (FAAMA Managing the Skies, Summer-Fall 2018) - Fastest Airlines in the U.S. (Forbes.com, 2019-06-17) - Why Airlines Make Flight Longer on Purpose (BBC Capital Smart Travel, 2019-04-09) - Not Working! (ATCA Tech Symposium, Atlantic City, 2018-05-16) - Parked Planes Cost Airlines Billions (Forbes.com, 2017-08-15) - Attila Arrives (Aviation Week, 2013-01)

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