Richard Swindell
Searching for Safety in the Airline Industry
Part 4 – Data mining the operation
I hope that the previous data-mining articles cemented the concept of voluntary safety reporting as a function of organizational trust necessary for...
Searching for Safety in the Airline Industry
Data Mining the Operation, Part 3
Picking up where we left off last month in our review of voluntary safety reporting programs, we are continuing this month...
Searching for Safety in the Airline Industry – Part Two
Last month we talked about safety incident reports required by regulatory agencies as well as air transport companies for pilots and other aviation professionals to submit...
Searching for Safety in the Airline Industry
Data mining the operation, Part 1 of 5
In 1908, the Wright Brothers were working to secure flight-training contracts and sell their Wright Flyer to...
Laboring to Understand Unions, Part 4
How are unions structured?
Hello and welcome to the concluding article for this overview series on unions – what they are, what they do, and...
Laboring to Understand Unions, Part 3
What do I get for my union dues?
Welcome back. Last month, we left off with the process for airline pilot contract negotiations (collective bargaining)...
Laboring to Understand Unions, Part 2
Where do unions come from?
Greetings and welcome back to this series on organized labor in the airline industry. Building off my previous article about...
Laboring to Understand Unions, Part 1
What are unions and what do they do?
For those of you who are new to the airline industry or possibly looking to make the...