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Aero Crew News

As students prepare to return to the classroom this fall, the American Airlines Education Foundation is helping ease the cost of higher education by providing nearly $1 million in scholarship funds to 340 students who are dependents of the...
JetBlue (NASDAQ: JBLU)  issued the following statement regarding its Northeast Alliance (NEA) with American Airlines: JetBlue’s unique model has successfully disrupted the industry for well over 20 years, and we decided to enter into the NEA as a creative solution to...
• 30,000 m2 facility in Corbeil-Essonnes/Évry spans four soccer fields, signals UPS’s confidence in French economy & growing cross-border trade; • Advanced technology Paris Hub is part of UPS’s ongoing $2 billion investment plan through 2019 to enhance its European...
As the Pilot shortage continues to grow, and airlines across the country increasingly scramble to find qualified applicants, Republic Airways has launched an innovative new program for Pilots to join the world’s largest operator of Embraer aircraft and fly...
GPS technology is widely used both within and outside aviation contexts. As satellite-based navigation, GPS is capable of providing accurate navigation information for the departure, en route, and terminal segments. Advancements in NextGen (the FAA’s air transportation modernization effort)...

M is for Measure

Happy February! How are the New Year and goal setting working out so far? Most people who make New Year’s resolutions have abandoned them by this point which is what has motivated me to write this series of goal-setting...
In December 2023, LIFT Academy will welcome its largest class of students in the 5-year history of the program. With more than 65 newly enrolled students across four campuses, LIFT Academy will continue to help candidates launch their careers as...
Repetition can be a great tool for learning. Following the logic of the well-known saying, “practice makes perfect,” repeating something over and over allows us to develop our skills and knowledge to become better at performing a task. We...

Service, Sacrifice, and the Importance of Support

Many people recognize Gary Sinise as the actor who played Lieutenant Dan in the blockbuster film Forrest Gump. In the movie, we watch Lt....

Delta, Riyadh Air sign strategic agreement to expand connectivity and premium...

Delta Air Lines, the world’s leading premium airline, and Riyadh Air, Saudi Arabia's innovative new full-service global carrier, have signed a Strategic Cooperation Memorandum...