The Deck

Fort Wayne, Indiana


The Deck, Food Bites
The Roasted Chicken Club, Photo Taken by Craig Pieper

This month I went to Fort Wayne, Indiana for a layover of about 30 hours, and I had a mission. Find a restaurant suitable for this column. What I found was an amazing little spot to relax, have a drink, enjoy some music, maybe a boat ride, all while overlooking the St. Mary’s River. Oh, and most importantly, eat some good food!

A friend and colleague (Thanks Terri.) recommended a little place called The Gas House. The crew and I met after lunchtime and headed that way. When we came upon The Gas House, we noticed a little place behind it, called The Deck. While the same restaurateur owns both places, each has a very distinct vibe and atmosphere. Since it was a Sunday and incredibly nice out, The Deck was packed with people, so we went there.

First, we walked up to the bar and each ordered a bee. while sitting there, we noticed a group boarding a little boat down at the dock. Apparently, you can grab a round (or two) from the bar, head down to the boat and take a 30-40-minute ride up and down the St. Mary’s River. The boat ride will set you back about $10 a head, but is definitely a unique experience.

After our first round of drinks, the crew and I decided to get a late lunch. We all had enjoyed a huge (free) breakfast at our hotel so I still wasn’t yet hungry.  We quickly got a table at The Deck’s, and just as the name promises, this place is one big deck. Don’t bother asking for a Wifi password. We learned that from a staff member’s shirt that read, “We do not have Wifi. Talk to each other. Pretend it’s 1995.”

FWA Fort Wayne The Deck
FWA, Photo Taken by Craig Pieper

In keeping with my normal routine, I asked the server, what are the most popular items here. She described, The Roasted Chicken Club and I was sold.

For starters, the bread always makes the sandwich — always! The bread that surrounded this unique club “samich” was amazing. Yes, that is how The Deck spells the names of their samiches on the menu. The Parmesan crusted French bread was crispy and full of flavor, soft and fresh. The chicken was extraordinarily tender and moist, and nearly melted in my mouth. The bacon was expertly done and tasty.  The tater tots were perfection.

Biting into this samich, I experienced the crunch of the bread followed by flavors that tantalized my palate. This samich features bacon, lettuce and of course, the extremely tender chicken, with hints of garlic in the mayonnaise. It sounds simple but was done with such perfection that I’m compelled to extoll its superiority.

The outdoor ambiance complemented the deliciousness of the samich, overlooking the St. Mary’s River while relaxing on The Deck just brought it all together. Next time you are in FWA, make sure to stop by The Deck, and tell them I sent you!

Lastly, definitely get the tater tots which I feel really paired nicely with this samich!

305 E Superior Street

Fort Wayne, IN  46802 

(260) 426-3411

SOURCEAero Crew News, July 2017
Previous articleJuly 2017
Next articleLetter From the Publisher
Craig Pieper is the Publisher and Founder of Aero Crew News. Craig is responsible for the content, website design and organization of the material and people producing the material for the magazine. Craig obtained his Bachelors of Science in Aeronautical Science, along with a minor in Aviation Weather, from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2001. Craig is also a First Officer for a major airline with a type rating in the Boeing 737 & Embraer 145 and has logged over 8,000 hours of flying time since his introductory flight on November 14th, 1992. Please feel free to reach out to Craig and maybe your email will make it in the next issue under the "Letter To The Publisher" section of Aero Crew News.


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