Letter to the Editor, November 2015


First, thank you for what you do…providing excellent information!
I am new to Aero Crew and fairly new to the 121 environment. I spent 26 years in the USAF and as I regain my currency in the Regional environment I am trying to locate some good information regarding “upgrades and time to upgrade” for all of the majors so I can try to make an informed decision IF I have a choice when it comes time to move on to one of the Major Airlines.
Appreciate any vectors you can offer. I did take a look at the “grid” but I was unable to locate the info.
Please and Thanks!
Gary G.
Washington D.C.

It is hard to tell without getting a hold of the actual seniority lists how long upgrade time will be. Even then the predictions can only be made strictly on retirements and current aircraft. The problem with that is a dip in the economy can effect those numbers drastically. Conversely an increase in flying will make that time much shorter. We do try to provide the hire date of the most junior CA on property. This is usually updated ever couple of months. The Major Grid does have a section called, “Most Junior CA hired.” We are always trying to update this information and as always appreciate feed back and updates from our readers. I was able to obtain some additional dates at some of the majors. Please refer to The Major Grid to see what upgrade time is at the Major Airlines. Additionally Scott Stahl wrote a great article for us in our September issue. To view that issue visit aerocrewnews.com/archive.html.

Craig D. Pieper
Editor in Chief

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