FedEx Pilots Take Contract Negotiation Frustrations to Wall Street


Hundreds of Pilots Conduct Informational Picket in New York City

As FedEx hosted its DRIVE Program investor event at the New York Stock Exchange today, FedEx Express pilots and fellow crewmembers gathered outside for an informational picket to express continued frustrations over the lack of a new pilot contract. The pilots, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), have been in contract negotiations with FedEx management since May 2021.  

“It’s extremely disappointing that negotiations remain open. We want to reach a fair deal with management, but it must be one that recognizes the value we bring to FedEx every day,” said Capt. Chris Norman, chair of the FedEx ALPA Master Executive Council. 

Standing shoulder to shoulder on Wall Street, pilots sent a strong, unified message that now is the time to resolve outstanding items and reach an industry-leading pilot contract that reflects their contributions to the company’s structural goals. 

“There is no denying that our professional pilot labor force has significantly contributed to FedEx’s success and allowed it to become a logistics powerhouse, a Fortune 50 Company, and a global brand,” added Norman. 

In February, FedEx pilot leadership authorized Norman to call for a strike authorization vote, at his discretion, if things don’t turn around in negotiations. A strike would only happen if negotiations break down and the federal government authorizes a walkout after the parties exhaust the required procedures of the Railway Labor Act. First, the National Mediation Board would have to release the two sides from mediation. Then, after a 30-day cooling-off period, both parties could exercise self-help—including a strike by the union or a lockout by management. 

For more information regarding the FedEx pilots’ negotiations, visit


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