The simple equation of dropping some weight in a reasonable timeframe
It’s July and Independence Day is here. This time of year usually means barbecues and outdoor activities in mass quantities. I would be willing to bet that healthy eating or losing weight aren’t at the top of your list of things to do, but summer also brings weddings, beach vacations, and/or school reunions. So, maybe it could be on your list of goals to accomplish this summer.
When people ask about weight loss it’s usually in the form of, “How fast can I lose (insert some unrealistic number of pounds),” or “I have two weeks to drop X amount of weight! Can it be done”? My typical response is, “Yes, it can be done, but you just won’t be happy with the process and it won’t last.” Remember, I am not a doctor or health professional and before you start any diet or make drastic changes to your nutrition needs, consult a medical professional.
First, I want you to ask yourself why you are interested in losing weight. I think it’s imperative to understand your motivation. Knowing the “why” of what you want will help keep you on track. When you have that answer, I want you to change the question to, “Wouldn’t it be better to lose fat?” In my experience, when you change the question from weight loss to fat loss, it can change the dynamic of what you’re trying to achieve. I tell all my clients that if you focus on fat loss, your health will improve and as a result of the fat loss, your weight and size will go down.
Second, before you commit to any diet or nutrition change, don’t change anything for one week. Instead, I want you to write down everything food or drink that goes into your mouth. At the end of that week is when you need to take a hard look at what your intake is and make an informed decision about where you can make changes that matter. You’d be surprised at what you actually eat in a week and the caloric content. Usually, we overestimate the amount of protein we take in and underestimate the amount of carbohydrates we take in. You may also be surprised at the number of empty calories you eat. For it to work, you must be honest with this assessment.
Finally, make small incremental changes with your diet and nutrition. If you make drastic changes all at once, you’ll find it’s a “diet” you can’t sustain. Any change that you make should result in a weight loss of around 1-2 pounds per week. I know, I said fat loss, but reducing the number of calories (caloric deficit of about 500 calories per day) will have a net effect of fat loss which equal weight loss. This process must take place over time.
There are no real tricks to losing fat. It comes down to consuming less. That’s also a good life metaphor! As always, if you are interested in any specific fitness related topics, reach out ([email protected]). Tune in next month for a new article on challenges!