Aero Crew News

Your Source for Pilot Hiring Information and More...

August 2020

Find some good reads as we enter the dog days of summer in this month’s issue. Our FEATURE is the compelling story of a determined pilot...

July 2020

As we glide into summer with continuing pandemic concerns, our focus for July’s FEATURE is an examination of trendlines for air travel. We examined data, made...

June 2020

This month, while many of us are sheltered, we bring you a Feature excursion to Tucson where the Sleeping Monsters await their fates. Come along as Meredith Edwards...

Aviation Jobs Available

Aviation Postings. Please apply on their company website. Postings current as of 19:30 4/29/20. If you know of other airlines or aviation companies that...

April/May 2020

In this month’s combined issue, the Feature is dedicated to showcasing the background and medical services provided by MedAire. We aren’t taking too much for granted...

March 2020

The March feature,co-authored by professors at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, addresses the interesting and thought-provoking topic of controlled rest in position (CRIP), or pilots napping while at...

February 2020

Consider yourselves reminded: Valentine’s Day comes at the middle of the month. This year, it’s the second Friday. While Friday is likely more significant...

January 2020

Happy New Year to all our loyal readers and to those who join us for their very first issue. We couldn’t be more pleased...

December 2019

We put the last issue of the year “to bed” with some valuable information, good advice, interesting perspectives, plus a lot of satisfaction as...

November 2019

Our November issue is particularly full and exciting. The photo contest, co-sponsored with LogTen Pro has come to an end and the eight runners-up and...

Service, Sacrifice, and the Importance of Support

Many people recognize Gary Sinise as the actor who played Lieutenant Dan in the blockbuster film Forrest Gump. In the movie, we watch Lt....

Delta, Riyadh Air sign strategic agreement to expand connectivity and premium...

Delta Air Lines, the world’s leading premium airline, and Riyadh Air, Saudi Arabia's innovative new full-service global carrier, have signed a Strategic Cooperation Memorandum...