Reini Thijssen

Reini Thijssen is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHCA) and certified life coach specializing in working with aerospace professionals. She has been a writer for Aero Crew News since 2019 and covers various topics related to aviation concerning life- and career changes, relationships, and overall mental health. Reini is in private practice at Emerald Mental Health. She offers online mental health support to adult individuals and couples coping with a wide range of challenges such as anxiety, burnout, grief, and stress. For more information and questions, contact [email protected]

Preventing Burnout

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion and is a reaction to prolonged stress. The risk of burnout increases after months...

What is coping?

Dealing with problems and finding your coping style Everyone around has their automatic responses to problems. Everyone handles stressful situations, such as work pressures, physical...

How to Tame Your Impatience

Being impatient is one of the hallmarks of our time. Daily, we receive mixed messages on the subject. The idea that we should adopt...

Overcoming Feeling Like an Impostor 

You have a good education, a job people look up to, and everyone praises you. However, is there this voice in the back of...

The Power of Failure – And How to Cope

Everyone experiences failure at some point in their lives – failing a checkride, failing that interview, or a failing relationship. Though everyone experiences failure,...

Doom Scrolling

Almost everyone does it – quick glances at Twitter, Instagram and newsfeeds throughout the day or right before sleeping. Reading the news is not...

Relationship Changes: How to Connect in Time of Diapers

The arrival of a child (particularly the first) is an important transition in life that new parents often underestimate. Life, as you knew it...

How to Stay Assertive in Discussions 

A good discussion is often part of our personal and professional lives and provides interesting insights. However, it sometimes results in a never-ending conversation...

Prioritize Each Other – Five Tips

Reality check: Take a minute to reflect on how much time was reserved exclusively for you and your partner over the past few weeks...

Start Today, Not Tomorrow

Happy 2022 – the New Year in which all of our plans will come true! Or not? As it turns out, we are overly...

Service, Sacrifice, and the Importance of Support

Many people recognize Gary Sinise as the actor who played Lieutenant Dan in the blockbuster film Forrest Gump. In the movie, we watch Lt....

Delta, Riyadh Air sign strategic agreement to expand connectivity and premium...

Delta Air Lines, the world’s leading premium airline, and Riyadh Air, Saudi Arabia's innovative new full-service global carrier, have signed a Strategic Cooperation Memorandum...