Welcome to the holiday season!! With Turkey Day right behind us and numerous other religious and secular holidays in front of us for the next month or more, this is still the time to stick with your plan. When the cooler weather hits, sometimes it’s easier to stay inside, under the covers, sipping hot chocolate and vegging out to classic Christmas movies. I would ask you to take a few moments and asses where you’ve been this year and to keep moving your plan forward.
When it comes to holiday parties, or socializing with family, friends and/or co-workers, give yourself a chance to enjoy the season. The trap that negatively affects your program, is taking a day off from working out or ignoring your diet one day, then allowing yourself to ignore it all month long. You should partake in the season and enjoy time with those who support you but be conscious of what you are really doing to your long-term goals if you ignore your plan for too long.
When it comes to vacationing during the holiday season, just stay active. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be out running or lifting weights (or whatever fitness profile you have), but it does mean keep moving. Think about what activities you can do wherever you go. I recently took a ski trip with family. Walking to the slopes and doing several runs throughout the day allowed me to still burn calories while being surrounded by nature as I actively worked my body without the gym. It doesn’t matter where you go, find an activity you can share with your companions and move your body.
Remember, I have always said that sometimes I can get wrapped up in the sweetness that is Christmas goodies. It’s okay to eat the dessert, just don’t eat the whole pie. A Christmas cookie or two should satisfy but don’t give into that whole plate of cookies the neighbor brought over. The same goes for the adult beverage aspect of the season. Have the cocktail or craft micro-brew but be aware of your consumption and always drink responsibly.
Speaking of drinking—keep your water intake high. Nothing says dehydration more than consuming too much of the other things and not enough water. My theory is to have a glass of water between every cocktail that I consume. The two-fold aspect of this approach is to keep you hydrated, which keeps the hangover at bay and the second is that drinking water helps you stay full, which will slow down the rate you eat or drink.
We are in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and that may cause you to lose focus. It’s okay to get caught up in the festivities and the joy of this time of year. Just realize that everything you have worked for throughout the previous 11 months can quickly be lost if you don’t make the effort to keep moving and stay motivated.