Reini Thijssen

Reini Thijssen is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHCA) and certified life coach specializing in working with aerospace professionals. She has been a writer for Aero Crew News since 2019 and covers various topics related to aviation concerning life- and career changes, relationships, and overall mental health. Reini is in private practice at Emerald Mental Health. She offers online mental health support to adult individuals and couples coping with a wide range of challenges such as anxiety, burnout, grief, and stress. For more information and questions, contact [email protected]

Survival Skills for the Holidays

Last year, the holidays were celebrated differently by many. Now we are going back to a new normal, December is the month of spending...

Food For A Better Mood

Being on the road and with the holidays around the corner, our diet is a continuous focus of our attention. What we consume daily...

Healthy Coping with Frustration

Life would be so much easier if everything would go the way it was supposed to go. But unfortunately, the reality is different; people...

The Importance of Body Language and What It Says about You

A first impression is made even before a single word is said. Appearance and body language speak volumes which make it all the more...

The Psychology of Rejection

Failed an interview? The expected promotion has passed you by? Almost everyone experiences rejection at least once in their career. Being rejected as a...

The Psychology of Applying to Your Dream Carrier

Many situations in life can cause tension and emotions such as nervousness. Speaking in public, a first solo flight, proficiency checks, applying and interviewing...

Handling Criticism

No one likes it, yet everyone has to deal with it from time to time – criticism. Criticizing others is easier than being on...

Dealing with Difficult People

Life is full of social interactions, from connecting with our loved ones to confrontations with challenging individuals whom we cannot stand to be around....

Coping with Unpleasant Emotions

Editor’s Note: Aero Crew News readers have enjoyed Reini Thijssen’s articles as a contributor to our FITNESS column. Through the months we have come...

Understanding Loneliness

Loneliness is one of the most ubiquitous side effects of COVID-19 that can affect anyone. However, loneliness has been on the rise for decades...

Service, Sacrifice, and the Importance of Support

Many people recognize Gary Sinise as the actor who played Lieutenant Dan in the blockbuster film Forrest Gump. In the movie, we watch Lt....

Delta, Riyadh Air sign strategic agreement to expand connectivity and premium...

Delta Air Lines, the world’s leading premium airline, and Riyadh Air, Saudi Arabia's innovative new full-service global carrier, have signed a Strategic Cooperation Memorandum...