Reini Thijssen

Reini Thijssen is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHCA) and certified life coach specializing in working with aerospace professionals. She has been a writer for Aero Crew News since 2019 and covers various topics related to aviation concerning life- and career changes, relationships, and overall mental health. Reini is in private practice at Emerald Mental Health. She offers online mental health support to adult individuals and couples coping with a wide range of challenges such as anxiety, burnout, grief, and stress. For more information and questions, contact [email protected]

Six Factors of a Successful Relationship

What makes a happy relationship? Is it humor, physical attraction, or merely enjoying things together? What makes a relationship work? Do opposites attract or...

Self-Care: Put on Your Oxygen Mask First Before Assisting Others

A new year can be a new start. If 2020 taught us anything, it is that every year can be full of new surprises....

How To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Last

When the end of the year approaches, traditionally, many of us take the time to reflect and set new goals for the following year....

The Quarantine-15

Most of us have been spending more time at home during the past year. Less exercise and the same amount of food intake can...

Eight Ways to Decrease Stress

Life is stressful, especially now. Stress is a normal, human response. The goal of our stress response is to have us choose between two...


Over the past few months, the airline industry has gone from pilot and mechanic shortages to extreme overstaffing. This turnaround was sharp and dramatic....

Five Steps to Build Resilience

These are turbulent times, for everyone, worldwide. Anxiety, stress, loss and grief are recurring themes. We know that times are changing and new routes...

Into Therapy or Not?

Moodiness, stress, anxiety, marital tensions . . . These are all part of life that we face as crew, and sometimes we need someone...

Don’t Worry!

We all worry. We may be worried about the economy, an upcoming job interview or the uncertain impact of a pandemic. We wonder how...

Twelve Phases of Burnout

Every year, reported numbers of stress and burnout rise. Because airline jobs rank among the most stressful jobs in the United States, there is...

Service, Sacrifice, and the Importance of Support

Many people recognize Gary Sinise as the actor who played Lieutenant Dan in the blockbuster film Forrest Gump. In the movie, we watch Lt....

FedEx Pilots Mark 1,000 Days Without a New Contract

MEMPHIS—On Sunday, July 28, 2024, FedEx pilots, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), will reach a milestone in their contract negotiations...