Judy and her 1971 Grumman AA-1A airplane, which she dubbed “Chuck”
Credit: Epic Flight Academy

Epic Flight Academy has shared news of the passing of Captain Judy Rice. The email transcript is shown below.


This is not the kind of news we like to share, but considering Judy Rice's remarkable legacy in aviation, we hope you will acknowledge her passing in the greater aviation community.

Captain Rice set a world speed record from Greenland to Iceland, circumnavigated the globe on an education mission (accompanied by NASA astronaut Dr. Buzz Aldrin), and was a former president of the National Coalition for Aviation and Space Education. She developed aviation and aerospace courses and curriculums for the National 4-H Aerospace Curriculum Project. She has been recognized with awards such as the Experimental Aircraft Association's Outstanding Ground Volunteer Award and the Minnesota Governor's Award for Excellence in Aerospace Education. 

We have shared more information about her here: https://epicflightacademy.com/captain-judy-rice/

To us, she was our beloved private pilot ground school instructor for 6 years. Students lovingly called her “Captain Judy.” She was diagnosed with esophagus cancer in May, and she penned a brief memoir of her remarkable life: https://www.amazon.com/Around-World-Captain-Judy-Rice/dp/B0D6BYNHHW

Although she retired from Epic last year, she remained helpful and a team member to the very end. I hope you will find her life worthy of noting.

Thank you,
Cindy Lovell 


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