Endeavor Air has a new Agreement In Principle


Pilot Retention Program

Each pilot at Endeavor will be able to opt-in to a pilot retention program that will allow an individual to earn up to $110,000 dollars, subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement. There is a two-year service requirement that must be met, or the pilot will be required to return any monies paid under this program. This requirement is waived if a pilot is either retiring from EDV or moving to Delta under LOA 125, LOA 129, the Delta Off the Street process or any future contractual EDV program.

For current Captains at EDV – $110,000 dollars

  • Initial bonus of $40,000 dollars for those that opt-in to the program upon successful ratification.
  • Second bonus of $40,000 dollars at the completion of year 1 under the program.
  • Pilots who retire or transition to Delta within their first year, will be entitled to the entire second payment of $40,000 dollars even if their first year under the program is not complete.
  • Pilots leaving before the completion of their first year, while owed the second payment, will not be owed the third bonus payment.
  • Third bonus of $30,000 dollars at the completion of year 2.
  • Pilots who retire or transition to Delta within their second year, will be entitled to the entire third payment of $30,000 dollars even if their second year under the program is not complete.
  • For Captains opting into the program, you must complete the service requirement, retire from Endeavor, or transition to Delta through a contractual EDV program or OTS. If that standard is not met, the full amount, including applicable taxes, must be repaid to the Company.
  • Captains will have a 21-day window to select their desire to opt into the retention program. There will only be one opportunity for Captains to opt-in. Payment will be made within 14-days of the close of the window.
  • Captains leaving for Delta before the first payment is received will receive $40,000 dollars but will not be eligible for the second $40,000 dollar payment under the language.

For current First Officers at EDV – $110,000 dollars

  • Initial bonus of $20,000 dollars for those that opt-in to the program.
  • Second bonus of $40,000 dollars at the completion of Captain upgrade training (OE).
  • Note: The 2-year service requirement does not begin until the completion of Captain upgrade training for First Officers.
  • Third bonus of $40,000 dollars at the completion of your 1-year service to EDV as a Captain.
  • Fourth bonus of $10,000 dollars the completion of year 2 service to EDV as a Captain.
  • First Officers who accept the terms of the program while they are an FO will be required to accept the first Captain position they are eligible to hold on the EDV seniority list.
  • A First Officer who does not elect to opt into the program as an FO can wait to make their decision and opt into the program as a Captain at the completion of their upgrade training.
  • First Officers who elect to opt-in later as a Captain will be paid under the Captain structure above.

Increase New-Hire Bonus and Longevity Credit

  • The new-hire bonus as negotiated under LOA 91 will temporarily increase from $20,000 to $40,000 dollars and then snap back to the previous contractual terms on March 31, 2026.
  • Pilots who elect to come to EDV with previous 121.436 qualifying hours will be offered longevity credit for previous service under the following terms:
  • Pilots transitioning to EDV from a previous ALPA carrier will receive longevity credit for their previous service on a 1:1 basis at EDV.
  • Pilots transitioning to EDV from a non-ALPA carrier will receive longevity credit for their previous service on a 1:2 basis at EDV.
  • 10-year cap on longevity.
  • Pilots coming to EDV under the Longevity Credit program will be eligible to continue to advance up the EDV longevity scale immediately.
  • Longevity will apply to pay scales, vacation accrual, 401(k) match, but not vesting.
  • The Company will not be able to offer longevity to new hire pilots beyond March 31, 2023.

EXAMPLE: A pilot is hired with qualifying 121.436 time from an ALPA carrier where they served 5-years. Once they are hired and onboarded at EDV, they will be on year 5 longevity and year 1 seniority. After a pilot completes their first year of service at EDV, they will be on year 6 longevity and year 2 seniority.

Mutual Benefit Package

Their MEC leadership has also come to an agreement with the Company on a mutual benefit package that will allow the Company some contractual relief in exchange for items of priority for the pilot group and MEC. Below are the highlights of that package:

Reduction in CAP Service Requirements

The 54-month CAP service requirement has been removed. Pilots now only need to complete the 24-month Captain service requirement.

All other terms of the CAP remain unchanged.

Seniority List Instructor (SLI)/Non-Seniority List Instructor (NSLI) Modifications

  • Allow NSLI to perform checking events, provided the NSLI previously held a seniority list position at an ALPA carrier and subject to the following restrictions.
  • Mutual and continued concurrence between the Association and the Company must be given and maintained for each instructor selected under this program.
  • Mutual concurrence can be removed at any time by either party on an instructor-to-instructor basis.
  • NSLIs will be able to conduct MT-7 (Maneuvers Training 7) lesson for the next 48-months.
  • Increased stacking for SLIs from 2 times per month to 4 times per month, but no more than 1 stacked event during a work period sequence.
  • All stacking continues to remain voluntary by the FTI.
  • Permit NSLIs to stack events up to twice per month under the following conditions:
  • Limit to 2-times per month.
  • Must not allow stacking until 24-hours prior to the event.
  • Must give all SLIs first opportunity to stack and only when/if an SLI is not available can an NSLI stack an event.
  • Stacking for NSLIs must be voluntary.
  • Parties will satisfy ALPA Grievance 21-09 – FTI Pay and agree to remedy affected pilots.

Trip & Duty Rigs

  • Company agrees to implement a Trip Rig on a 1:4 basis.
  • Trip rig will apply to actual Time Away from Base (TAFB).
  • Rig will apply to both Line holders and Reserve pilots.
  • Rig will pay towards guarantee.
  • Programming Rainmaker will take no more than 6 months.
  • Company agrees to implement a Duty Rig on a 1:2 basis for actual duty time in 15 months from date of ratification.
  • For each month beyond 6-months that a Trip Rig is not implemented, the Company will retroactively apply the Trip Rig to a pilot’s pay credit and 1-month of duration will be removed from the implementation of a Duty Rig.

Sick Bank Payout

  • Pilots will be able to cash out the unused portion of their sick bank upon leaving EDV, subject to the following terms:
  • A maximum of 250-hours can be cashed out upon separation.
  • This will only apply to pilots retiring from EDV or transitioning to Delta through LOA 125, 129, Delta OTS or any future JCBA contractual program.
  • Pilots separating from the Company to pursue other airline careers or to leave the industry will not be eligible for a sick bank payout.

Increase in 401(k) Match for First Year Pilots

  • Section 28.B will be revised to provide 401(k) match beginning on a Pilot’s DOH
  • This will be retroactive to 1-1-2022.
  • Additional Section 28 language to codify that under the terms of Federal Law, pilots moving to Delta are not subject to the EDV vesting schedule and are fully vested due to the common EDV/Delta 401(k) plan.

LCP Incentive Pay Increase

  • Revise Section 3.U.1 and 2 to increase LCP and Lead LCP Incentive pay to $30.00 and $40.00 respectively.
  • Revise Section 3.U.1. and 2. to clarify incentive pay also applies to DH legs connecting to LCP or Lead LCP events.
  • Revise Section 3.U to clarify that, when the Line Check Pilot picks-up a trip at premium, the incentive pay will also be paid at the premium rate offered.
  • The Company may offer Line Check Pilot pick-ups at a higher rate of premium pay without applying the same higher rate of premium pay to all other Open Time offered to the specific Position. These trips must not be offered beyond 14-days of the start time of the trip and should be used for Operating Experience.
  • Clarify that all Line Check debriefs (3.U.3), including those done during Initial Qualification and Captain Upgrade, are paid per the terms of 3.U.3.

OE Withholding

Revise language to increase the current 23% cap on Reserve Lines in months in which Company withholds FO Pairings to twenty-eight percent 28%, by fleet.

Prohibited Cities List

Add language to allow for the Company to implement an international no-fly list (PCL) which will prevent Pilots who are ineligible from bidding and being awarded pairings that contain international trips.

Increase in Per Diem

  • Modify Section 5.D.1 to increase per diem as follows:
  • Effective DOS – $2.15.
  • 1/1/2024 – $2.20 per hour
  • 1/1/2026 – $2.25 per hour
  • 1/1/2028 – $2.30 per hour

Customs Pay

Implement customs pay of 12 minutes each time a pilot is required to go through customs, paid above guarantee.

Front-End Alternate Deadhead

Allow pilots to deviate from assigned Deadheads on the front end of the trip, subject to similar restrictions in the PWA at Delta.

Advanced Upgrade Language

  • Modify existing Section 24.H. Qualification language to add new “Advanced Upgrade” process
  • Applies only when there are open Captain positions in a vacancy or realignment after exhausting the minimum qualifications found in Section 24.H.
  • Company can elect to award “Advanced Upgrade” positions to FOs up to the number of Captain positions left available.
  • FO who meets the “Advanced Upgrade” requirements would move into the next available upgrade class determined by Flight Ops Training.
  • FOs eligible for an “Advanced Upgrade” award must meet the following in the vacancy:
  • Within ‘X’ number of hours to become Captain eligible (Min qual for a regular award: 950 Part 121 hours)
  • Bids for the open captain position in the same vacancy award
  • Once an FO meets the hour requirement, they are eligible to move into the next available upgrade class provided that:
  • Logbook hours verified by Crew Records upon meeting 975 Part 121 hours
  • If the next available upgrade class conflicts with the FO’s awarded schedule, their schedule will be pulled and pay protected.
  • FOs awarded an Advanced Upgrade in the Initial Award can withdraw in the same manner as other Initial Awards in accordance with Section 24.D
  • If an Advanced Upgrade pilot is junior and placed in a training class ahead of a senior pilot who also received an Advanced Upgrade award in the same vacancy, the Bypass Pay Provisions in Section 24.I do not apply.

Vacation Buyback

  • Pilots who bid and are awarded a vacation slot during the Annual Vacation Bid, but subsequently have that vacation week removed, either due to an upgrade and fail to rebid or remove vacation from the grid voluntarily, will be paid out at the end of the year on a 1:1 basis
  • Pilots who do not bid or bid enough vacation week slots during the Annual Vacation Bid and fail to have vacation awarded during this process, will be eligible to have that vacation paid out on a 1:2 basis at the end of the year.
  • Currently, unless a pilot meets one of a few narrow exceptions, all unused vacation is forfeited.

Transition Recurrent Ground School (RGS) to Learning Management System (LMS)

Revise applicable portions Section 11 to allow for the following modifications to existing RGS and LMS:

  • Eliminate annual RGS as it currently exists.
  • Remove two (2) of the current Classroom/WebEx days from annual RGS footprint.
  • There will still be a single day classroom (WebEx) event covering Pilot Professional Development /CRM, security, and the required exams.
  • Add three (3) hours of additional training time to existing Quarterly CQ footprint which allows Company to incorporate all material that is currently covered in the classroom led annual event.
  • A pilot will be permitted the period from the 1st business day of the month of the quarterly assignment month through the last day of the month following the quarterly assignment to complete Home Study, but in no case will be provided less than 60-days to complete their assignments.
  • Quarterly assigned Home Study shall not exceed an annual limit of 29.2 hours. In addition, no more than 7.3 hours of Home Study shall be assigned per quarter.
  • The first three (3) hours of LMS per quarter will be paid at a 1:1 rate.
  • Create language that allows the Delta specific yearly modules to be contractually compliant and those modules will also be paid at 1:1.


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