Letter From The Publisher


Dear Readers,

Sometimes I have to be reminded to step out of my aviation world (flying and this magazine) to live – spending time with loved ones and friends. Recently, I was given such a reminder when I learned that our contributing author, Marc Himelhoch (of the column Cockpit to Cockpit),had lost his wife. Everyone at Aero Crew News and Aero Crew Solutions sends deepest sympathies to him and his family. I had the sincere pleasure of meeting his wife several times at Women in Aviation, International conferences. She had a warm heart, a glowing personality and she gave a lot to her community through her civic involvement. She will be missed by many. I dedicate the May 2019 issue in fond remembrance of Missy Shorey. 

Missy’s passing serves as a reminder that life is a tenuous balance of work and doing things you enjoy with those you love. “Spring has sprung” and as always, I debate which season I love more; spring or fall. The warm-up of spring is always a welcome feeling after a long cold winter. In contrast, the cool nights of early fall are equally welcome after a grueling, hot summer. I guess my favorite season is whichever is current. I love to live my life in the “now” knowing that there will be change coming. 

Lately, I find myself working on my golf game, which needs more work than I could possibly give. I also like to make time to get my kayak into the water. The negative side of spring is the inevitability of thunderstorms. Yesterday would have been a great day for kayaking, but today, not so much. Hopefully next week, I can get back in the water.

Fly safe,

Craig Pieper


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