10 Reasons to Use a Buyer’s Representative


The influx of real estate technologies assisting buyers and sellers over recent years, has some erroneously assuming that the role of the local real estate agent has become irrelevant. While house-hunters across the country can surely benefit from consumer-facing real estate applications and national websites that allow them to get a jump start on the real estate hunt, individuals still benefit from professionals who represent their needs throughout the transaction process, and well before the papers are even drawn. Enter the educated real estate agent who assists with all aspects of the home purchase, from seamless communication to directing buyers toward informed financial decisions.

Below are just a few of the vital reasons buyers need their own representation when it comes time to purchase a new home, as well as some of the many services agents provide to their clients.

Representation is FREEand you will receive the following benefits when working with a skilled buyer’s representative.

Negotiating Power

Counteroffers are tricky, but agents know how to handle them appropriately, including providing the proper forms and other paperwork to make the best possible case for their clients. Agents have little emotional involvement in the process as well as the skills to maintain their cool, even when dealing with finicky sellers who may not know what they want or why they are arguing over those last few dollars. Your agent can help keep your nerves at ease, too. They have seen sellers change their tune with everything from minor repairs to major negotiations. Invest time finding a top real estate agent and reap the rewards!

Navigating Potential Hazards

Given the size of the deals and the back-and-forth communication involved, real estate closings are rarely concluded without at least a small hitch. Titles, lenders, structural issues … everything needs to be disclosed and cleared before properties are handed to the next owners, or new buyers can find themselves in deep financial troubles.

Experienced agents anticipate red flags and check for potential pitfalls before they arise so buyers don’t land in situations that could cost a fortune and tremendous stress. Sometimes, just having an agent with aptitude and expertise can provide stress relief, making the buying process much easier, allowing buyers to focus on the positives and not the potential shortcomings.

Advocating on Your Behalf

By working with someone who is solely advocating on your behalf, you are accomplishing a few highly important, self-preserving tasks. First, you are guarding your financial interests above all. A dual-agent (a real estate representative for both the buyer and the seller) is likely torn between getting top dollar for their seller and supporting the budgetary interests of their buyer. Further, you might erroneously assume you will get a better deal by working with the listing agent alone, but house hunting solo gives shady sellers and their representation all the more reason to take advantage of unknowing buyers. As a new, inexperienced buyer, it is better to have a trusted representative by your side who can support your requests.

Handling Paperwork

As if making a huge financial decision is not emotionally exhausting enough, filling out the piles of paperwork involved in real estate deals is draining. Having a buyer’s agent to assist with documents, and explaining the real estate jargon and complexities is a welcomed relief. Do not go without representation unless you are well-versed in real estate transactions and feel confident enough to sign on the dotted line without the guidance of a professional.


Real estate search portals list millions of homes across the country, but word-of-mouth marketing is not dead. Buyer’s agents learn about homes on the market before they have hit the local Multiple Listing Service or Zillow, and can help get a walk-through scheduled early to provide you with an edge on the local competition. This will give you the opportunity to make an attractive offer that those without representation would not have. Buyer’s agents also have access to properties soon coming onto the market so you have the opportunity to purchase your dream home before it even hits the MLS.

Providing Guidance

Experienced agents have unparalleled familiarity of their markets. You might think you have kept up on the local real estate trends, but it is your agent’s job to track data on the local market and target comparable properties for value assessments to ensure buyers make the best offers. The best agents thoroughly explain the purchasing process and do not leave buyers in the dark, providing confidence in your purchase without fearing that you have missed prime opportunities. In the future, you may make better decisions in real estate with the tools taught by a few good agents from your past.

Saving You Time

If you have tried to use one of the national online listing services, you know how frustrating it can be to search through hundreds of homes looking for the ideal property, only to find the home is either already under contract or sold. Your buyer’s agent has access to all the latest tools, knows the local real estate market, and can quickly provide you with a shortlist of properties in your style, community, school district, at your price point, etc. There is absolutely no reason to go it alone when an industry professional can assist, whether you are looking to buy a home or invest in a real estate property! It really is that simple.

Minimizing Stress

Moving is hard enough without putting undue pressure on yourself to handle myriad tasks required to find, secure, and purchase a home. It makes much more sense to have an agent do the heavy lifting for you. Your focus should be on finding “the one” not having to worry about all the prep work that goes on behind the scenes before, during, and through the closing. Choose an agent wisely and your stress levels will be minimized and manageable.


Delegate Documentation

Let’s face it, the home buying process can create a mountain of documentation. While buyers are responsible for gathering and submitting their mortgage information, many of the other pieces of paperwork can be handled by a competent agent. Having an agent working on your behalf who knows what needs to be submitted, and how much detail to provide, will ensure all documents have the T’s crossed and the I’s dotted to meet all imposed deadlines.

With incredible scrutiny placed on ensuring documentation is right, do you trust yourself to meet all the requirements with only a cursory knowledge of this industry? The last thing buyers want is to have their closing delayed because of incorrect documentation!

Buyers Agents Work for You

It is true. If a buyer’s agency agreement has been signed, your agent works for you and is legally obligated to work in your best interest. That gives you incredible leverage because the agent is able to share details about the neighborhood and house as well as negotiate on your behalf to get the best possible terms and conditions.

It is a misconception in the industry that if consumers call the agent on the sign or hosting the open house, they will get a better deal. In fact, you may end up paying more as those agents represent the seller and always have their best interest in mind. Come ready, with your own agent, and get the home you want at a price that makes you comfortable, whether your interest is in buying an existing home or new construction.

Technology might provide assistance when it comes to finding your dream home, but it cannot replace the necessity of an agent by your side. Aviation Relocationis your source to find a qualified buyer’s agent in your current area or in the areas to which you are considering moving. Your home purchase is most likely the largest purchase you will ever make. Ensure you are fully equipped to get a good deal, in the right location, in the best condition possible.

Parting Shots…

Searching for the perfect home can be a nerve-wracking experience. While there are currently some great deals for purchase, it is only natural to second guess yourself and to wonder if you are making the right purchasing decision. Furthermore, in a seller’s market, you definitely need the representation of a buyer’s agent to navigate the intricacies of negotiating the best terms for you and to writing an offer that will put you ahead of the competition. For these reasons and more, it is in your best interest to hire a buyer’s agent when purchasing a home.

In short, a buyer’s agent serves as more than just someone who will help you find the perfect house. Not only will your buyer’s agent help you find the right home in less time, but will also work on your behalf to ensure you get the best deal possible. Whether you are a first-time buyer, are looking to upgrade or downsize, or perhaps looking for your retirement place, there is no substitute to working with a quality buyer’s agent.

Real estate is always local, so buyers and sellers should typically seek local advice. However, the benefits of using a buyer’s agent crosses all markets. Whether you are looking for a home in Atlanta, Ga. or looking to take in the beautiful desert in the Phoenix, Ariz. market, it makes sense to follow these guidelines for why buyers need their own representation in every real estate deal.

Happy house hunting, and remember, there is no doubt — buyers need their own representation! Aviation Relocation is your source to find highly skilled buyer’s agents around the country. With representatives in every city across the country you will also be able to compare cities that meet your at-base or commuting needs. Contract Tracy DuCharme at 480-309-1159 or [email protected]to start your home search today.

SOURCEAero Crew News, November 2018
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Tracy DuCharme, the wife of a pilot, founded Aviation Relocation International (ARI) as a complement to the efforts of recruiters and airlines. Based in Phoenix, ARI provides single point of contact concierge services to the aviation community including aviation professionals, recruiters and participating airlines, handling the details for those who are relocating to another base, domestic or foreign. DuCharme has strategically placed resources around the globe, including local real estate agents. specialized mortgage lenders, moving companies and more. AR|'s core mission is to provide a seamless integration into the new base community. DuCharme has worked with aviation professionals around the world for over 16 years and is no stranger to what an aviation family faces with base transfers. “You get it," is a comment she often hears from clients. She understands the issues that are unique to the profession, e.g. short notice moves, uncertain timeframes, consideration of multiple bases, etc. With ARI, "You are Now Free To Move Around the World."


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