Aero Crew News, December 2023


This month in Aero Crew News

Feature – How and where, and most importantly, why Christmas Epaulets is a “thing.”

Business Vector – Identify the right data to inform compensation decisions.

Fitness – Overcoming boredom when it settles into your regimen. 

Food Bites – The best poke in Waikiki is from a food truck!

Grey Matter – Flight 2059 demonstrated the mental health conundrum within professional aviation. 

Love Flying – Edinburgh, Scotland is for castles and Christmas markets.

Money – Cognitive biases can derail investment strategies.

Perspectives – Your professional skills should be applied even when flying recreationally. 

SkyLaw ­– Know your rights as a lawyer’s client.

Squall Lines – It’s that blasted de-icing time again. 


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